Collected Works ~ Chronological
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- 2450: 31 DecNo Tears
- 2449: 30 DecTown
- 2448: 29 DecThe Feast Days
- 2447: 28 Deccandle-hours
- 2446: 27 DecThe God of my journeys
- 2445: 26 DecThe era of the sun
- 2444: 25 Decdiamonds
- 2443: 24 DecThe Eve
- 2442: 23 DecThe Straight Way
- 2441: 22 DecLuke
- 2440: 21 DecThe Way
- 2439: 20 DecThe late light
- 2438: 19 DecFeet, hands, and keys
- 2437: 18 Decthe roots
- 2436: 17 Decthe poor child
- 2435: 16 Decno care, no creed
- 2434: 15 Decthe seeds II
- 2433: 14 Decall bewildered things
- 2432: 13 Decmorning dew
- 2431: 12 DecThe View
- 2430: 11 Decno rest
- 2429: 10 Decback beyond
- 2428: 09 Decnoise
- 2427: 09 Decfor love or money
- 2426: 08 Dectelling the time
- 2425: 07 Decthe road to the stars
- 2424: 06 DecWinter Guest
- 2423: 05 Decscenes of ice
- 2422: 04 Decdepth
- 2421: 03 Decdark comes early
- 2420: 02 DecThe God of Winter
- 2419: 02 Decsnowflake Advent
- 2418: 01 Declemon
- 2417: 30 Novgone in winter
- 2416: 29 Novraw day
- 2415: 28 Novno heat
- 2414: 27 Novshriven
- 2413: 26 Novthe plains
- 2412: 25 Novtally
- 2411: 24 Novwhite
- 2410: 23 Novlichen
- 2409: 22 Novseasons of the blood
- 2408: 21 Novindifferent
- 2407: 20 Novlimitless
- 2406: 19 Novdark night
- 2405: 18 Novfrost
- 2404: 17 Novwood
- 2403: 16 Novblue and gold
- 2402: 15 Novsilting-over
- 2401: 14 Novfire underground
- 2400: 14 NovThe dying day
- 2399: 13 Novsliding
- 2398: 12 Novspinning II
- 2397: 11 Novlost in the mist
- 2396: 10 NovThe Wheel III
- 2395: 09 Novsoft day
- 2394: 08 Novconnection
- 2393: 07 Novholiday
- 2392: 06 NovDomain
- 2391: 05 NovOrders
- 2390: 04 Novpurpose
- 2389: 03 NovThings of the hand
- 2388: 02 NovAll Souls
- 2387: 01 NovThe Baker
- 2386: 31 OctGripped
- 2385: 31 OctThe Spell
- 2384: 30 Octwarm water
- 2383: 29 OctcoldIII
- 2382: 28 Octfirst day
- 2381: 27 Octfirst snows
- 2380: 26 OctThe Hand
- 2379: 25 Octreading
- 2378: 24 Octperfect shores
- 2377: 23 Octempty house II
- 2376: 22 Octdays of ruin
- 2375: 21 Octcoast road
- 2374: 20 OctKnitfest
- 2373: 19 Octfuel II
- 2372: 18 Octcompany III
- 2371: 17 Octweaving
- 2370: 16 Octorbital
- 2369: 15 Octnothing new
- 2368: 14 Octgold II
- 2367: 13 OctSoft Autumn
- 2366: 12 Octstorms
- 2365: 11 Octreport of woe
- 2364: 10 Octthe vaults
- 2363: 10 Octremember them
- 2362: 09 OctThe Book II
- 2361: 09 Octthe rain
- 2360: 08 Octmissing
- 2359: 07 Octstorm road
- 2358: 06 OctDovecot Studios
- 2357: 04 Octsometimes
- 2356: 05 Octoutside the library
- 2355: 03 OctThe rise of silence
- 2354: 02 Octriding
- 2353: 01 Octdisplaced II
- 2352: 30 SepMoving On
- 2351: 29 SepYarndale, Yorkshire
- 2350: 29 SepBurnley
- 2349: 28 SepThe Mountains to the Coast
- 2348: 27 SepMoves
- 2347: 26 SepIn the dark II
- 2346: 25 SepSunny side up
- 2345: 24 SepBlank
- 2344: 23 SepFit for a Queen
- 2343: 22 SepMore than enough
- 2342: 21 Septhe geese
- 2341: 20 Sepwatch
- 2340: 20 Sepmoving pictures
- 2339: 19 Septouch III
- 2338: 19 Seplet me
- 2337: 18 Septhe near things
- 2336: 17 SepPerfect II
- 2335: 17 Sepall I have to do
- 2334: 17 SepOne Stone
- 2333: 16 SepSundays
- 2332: 15 SepDressing, Dressage
- 2331: 14 SepFridays
- 2330: 13 SepPresence here and now
- 2329: 13 Sepdead ends
- 2328: 12 SepNippy day
- 2327: 11 Sepin harness
- 2326: 11 SepTherecorder
- 2325: 10 Septransition
- 2324: 09 Sepsummer's end
- 2323: 08 SepThe hard jobs
- 2322: 07 Seppick up
- 2321: 06 Sepmetal noise
- 2320: 05 Sepfragments
- 2319: 04 Sepstones II
- 2318: 03 Sephome II
- 2317: 02 SepThe Gate
- 2316: 01 SepThe Capital
- 2315: 31 AugBenches
- 2314: 30 AugAct Your Age
- 2313: 29 AugFeet
- 2312: 28 Augsum of years
- 2311: 27 Augwork III
- 2310: 26 Augbargain
- 2309: 26 Augcold II
- 2308: 26 AugThe unquiet house
- 2307: 25 Augdown the road
- 2306: 24 Augfleece
- 2305: 23 AugThe day after
- 2304: 21 JunWinnings
- 2303: 21 JunSpinning
- 2302: 19 JunInvisible
- 2301: 22 AugWeather Warning
- 2300: 22 AugTruro Cathedral
- 2299: 21 AugStithians
- 2298: 20 AugThe nothing
- 2297: 20 AugPuzzles
- 2296: 19 AugFairacres
- 2295: 19 Augstops
- 2294: 19 Augdusk
- 2293: 19 AugThe dream
- 2292: 19 AugMatins
- 2291: 18 AugOxford
- 2290: 17 Augbeyond geography
- 2289: 17 Augarrival
- 2288: 16 Augasunder the years
- 2287: 15 Augthe road
- 2286: 14 Augprep
- 2285: 13 AugWhat waste
- 2284: 13 Augmirror
- 2283: 12 Augspending
- 2282: 11 AugGold
- 2281: 10 Augchange III
- 2280: 09 Augserving
- 2279: 08 Augbone
- 2278: 07 Augstopped
- 2277: 06 Augschedule
- 2276: 05 Augdiamond-bright
- 2275: 04 Augchores
- 2274: 03 Augchanging
- 2273: 02 Augelemental
- 2272: 01 AugThe Joker II
- 2271: 31 Julvoid II
- 2270: 30 JulWeird
- 2269: 27 Apr 2017The Horse's Fountain
- 2268: 29 Julrain II
- 2267: 29 JulextremesII
- 2266: 28 JulThe rains came II
- 2265: 27 JuleclipseII
- 2264: 26 JulIn passing
- 2263: 26 JulThe iron beam
- 2262: 26 JulWinter in my mind
- 2261: 25 Julthe green shadow
- 2260: 24 JulWalk
- 2259: 23 Julrepose
- 2258: 23 Julfrom School
- 2257: 22 Jultrajectories
- 2256: 21 JulReport
- 2255: 20 JulCarnoustie
- 2254: 19 JulGolf City
- 2253: 18 JulTripping
- 2252: 17 Julat the beach
- 2251: 16 Julrainbow
- 2250: 15 JunThe crossing
- 2249: 14 Julwet
- 2248: 13 JulThe Oyster
- 2247: 12 JulWarm
- 2246: 11 Julharm II
- 2245: 10 JulThe important part
- 2244: 10 JulThe Lesser
- 2243: 10 JulThe rains came
- 2242: 09 Julearly walk
- 2241: 08 Jultoday the clouds came
- 2240: 07 JulWoodland Walk
- 2239: 06 JulLazybeds
- 2238: 05 Julend-to-end
- 2237: 04 JulSummer - last and best
- 2236: 04 JulThe Arc
- 2235: 03 JulTouch II
- 2234: 02 JulResults
- 2233: 01 JulHigh Summer
- 2232: 30 Junat dusk
- 2231: 29 Junmist and still
- 2230: 28 JunThe Cool of the Evening
- 2229: 27 Junheatwave 33
- 2228: 26 JunIf only
- 2227: 25 JunFishofGold
- 2226: 25 JunTouch
- 2225: 25 JunPrayer II
- 2224: 25 JunHame
- 2223: 24 JunCarlisle Castle
- 2222: 24 JunCarlisle Cathedral
- 2221: 23 JunYarn
- 2220: 22 JunBrown Paper
- 2219: 21 JunThe days one forgets
- 2218: 20 JunReal
- 2217: 19 JunThe Load
- 2216: 18 Juncircles II
- 2215: 17 Junearly and late
- 2214: 16 Junrain
- 2213: 15 JunThe Fair
- 2212: 14 JunSmoke and mirrors
- 2211: 13 JunSong
- 2210: 12 JunSailing II
- 2209: 11 Junplans III
- 2208: 10 JunI am III
- 2207: 10 JunFog II
- 2206: 09 Junchange II
- 2205: 08 Juncompany II
- 2204: 07 Junconvergence II
- 2203: 06 JunWork II
- 2202: 06 JunRemedy
- 2201: 06 JunCold I
- 2200: 05 JunLearning II
- 2199: 04 JunSailing
- 2198: 03 JunThe Steps
- 2197: 03 JunPerfect Summer
- 2196: 02 JunStorm
- 2195: 01 JunEmpty House
- 2194: 01 JunDream
- 2193: 31 MayProgression
- 2192: 31 MayFog
- 2191: 30 MayJourney
- 2190: 29 MayChoices II
- 2189: 29 MayTangledown
- 2188: 28 MayFugue III
- 2187: 28 MayFugue II
- 2186: 28 MayFugue I
- 2185: 27 MayLast task
- 2184: 26 MayGreen grow the rushes-O
- 2183: 25 MayThe Rain will Come
- 2182: 25 MayIn the pit
- 2181: 24 MayBoard Game
- 2180: 24 MayWhat Susan Did
- 2179: 23 MayArrival Black
- 2178: 22 MayGrey
- 2177: 21 MayGreen III
- 2176: 20 MayAway Day
- 2175: 19 MayRegalia
- 2174: 19 Maycircles
- 2173: 18 Mayhoard
- 2172: 17 MayNight Rising
- 2171: 16 MayLearned
- 2170: 16 MayCalling
- 2169: 16 MayTime II
- 2168: 15 MayClean
- 2167: 14 MayMyEase
- 2166: 14 MayGoldandpearl
- 2165: 13 MayLush
- 2164: 12 MayPlanes, Trains, and Automobiles
- 2163: 11 MayThe City that never sleeps
- 2162: 11 MayEven Here
- 2161: 10 MayStones, food, peat
- 2160: 09 MayHere, we are
- 2159: 08 MayCircuitous
- 2158: 08 MayLearning
- 2157: 08 MayThe God of the islands
- 2156: 07 MayThe People
- 2155: 06 Mayperspective
- 2154: 05 MayBy the sea
- 2153: 04 MaySign
- 2152: 04 Maydearth
- 2151: 03 MayA Canterbury Tale
- 2150: 02 MayNope
- 2149: 01 MaySpectator II
- 2148: 30 AprWaking II
- 2147: 30 AprWork I
- 2146: 29 AprChange
- 2145: 29 Aprlist II
- 2144: 28 Aprsnapshot
- 2143: 27 AprThese Days II
- 2142: 27 AprThe Golden Days
- 2141: 27 AprSources
- 2140: 26 AprStratum
- 2139: 25 AprMountains
- 2138: 24 AprParallels
- 2137: 23 AprNo Form
- 2136: 22 AprThe Wish
- 2135: 21 AprRising
- 2134: 20 Apranecdote
- 2133: 19 AprStay and Play
- 2132: 18 AprUnravelling II
- 2131: 17 AprA Windy Day
- 2130: 16 AprFeeding
- 2129: 15 AprPlans II
- 2128: 14 AprBox
- 2127: 13 AprTicks
- 2126: 12 AprThe Bullfinches
- 2125: 11 AprSuspense and Promise
- 2124: 17 AprThe Name
- 2123: 12 AprThe Glorious Day
- 2122: 04 AprWednesday
- 2121: 26 MarThe Light II
- 2120: 30 AprThe Desert
- 2119: 30 AprGood Friday 2018
- 2118: 02 FebA World Away
- 2117: 18 JanOrientation of The Hour
- 2017
- 2016
- 2015
- 2014
- 2013
- 2012
- 2011
- 2010
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 2001
- 2000
- 1999
- 1998
- 1997
- 1996
- 1995
- 1994
- 1993
- 1992
- 1991
- 1990
- 1989
- 1988
- 1987