Waste of Time
waste of time
calling you - no good word
to say, waste of time
thinking, no good way - waste
your time worrying: no through
road, waste your time carrying
improves no load, waste of life
journeying, the disappointing ends,
waste of effort calling
disappointing friends - waste of breath
the breathing - no peace
dropping slow, waste of time
repeating, all the miles to go
waste of time in loving
only rends the heart, waste of
time the walking only
to part - waste your hands
in lifting, the body giving in,
waste your God in trying
giving what is given, waste
your tongue in teaching, no
pupils here, waste of change
the keeping what is not dear,
waste in life is traffic
stopped at traffic lights, waste
the eye in seeing
too many heights, waste of water
drinking, the dearth, the dry, the
drought, waste your time in
seeking the flame you
can't put out, waste your God
in hearing all the words that
show, waste your sense in
sobbing: the heart
won't go, waste your legs
in walking the road goes ever
on, waste your time in
choosing what is never done,
waste the grass in sitting:
noon-day sun, waste
the silence praying everything
begun, waste the heart in
breaking in full view -
waste your time in calling
they can't see you
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