Undone by Blue
All day the blue has sung
wide and free, huge limitless
canopy, and not a single cloud
in my nine-hour stint.
I have never seen such
depth of blue unchanging
in all the sky. Nothing moves,
the air so soft, birdsong
a tapestry weaving in and
out of mind, how loud
the bees, and the odd butterfly.
The earth is very dry - but
I hope water comes
not soon, such benison
this heat, primordial moment
in a turmoil-world - my
boundary-lines don't stretch
so far now, I am glad
to say - I move from
there to here and
back again, tools close at
hand. No longer do I cross
the larger land
striving with slopes and
battling the unkind miles.
These days soothe
my ragged nerves, grace
my aching bones with
balm. I am septuagint
to this time - who knows
how long I've got
till I leave
all those things undone
in my turn.
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