A Dedication to Earth Laundry

If I could give you   
any advice it would
be to
go with  the flow early on
not fight it                
not rail against actions    
expected of you       
or rage  at mishap and   
or hit-out at the 
outrageousness  of the
modern   type of insanity
pervading all our
times like air -
it will
avail you nothing
to overcare about  the minute
at the expense of your  own
stake here - take my  advice:
take the overview
cultivate fate
ease of heart
comes  with a slow
and gradual acceptance
of that which is outwith your control:
that you  must
or have  to
do  and be certain
things for yourself
and others                         
at the expense of the goal
of the moment
or the alternative objective
you  aim for overall -
be flexible.

Complaining  about
the injustice of
it all, at all the deaths
in your  life -
will ail you,
avail you nothing
except perhaps
and a  long painful fall
which  you could have
avoided  if you'd courted
level ground; before
the whistle blew.

Dedicate yourself to your cause on earth
then all you can do
pin your eye on  reality
while hanging-out your
hopes to dry.             

Once  you have mastered
balance on the diving  
before you  leap, know that   
not all possibilities are  
possible, but                
never pronounce  the  
odds  too high         
to try and remember  
to stay calm               
and keep your  breathing     
while you  swim against the tide.
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