The Spinner
White mountains in the distance
ring the countryside round
delineate the road - blue sky
bright sun hot on my skin -
a trip to Grantown amid
beauty of the day. My
world has spun round on its
great wheel, bringing me
back to where I started
but the exact location is
a few degrees from true -
for this place is not the place
it was this time last year - I
have moved
and the landscape before my eyes
is different now.
My circle is come to its full
and the ends click together.
Last night a thin
nailpairing moon and, it seemed,
all of the constellations
were there: black sky
glittering. Today's cold
mountain air told the tale
of Spring here and frost on grass
in the morning.
I need to let the world go
now, let it spin on
into the dark, part company
from the endless knot,
unravel myself outwith
its perfect course.
Tomorrow is a new turn,
a trick of the light
as I go toward it, the unknown
spinning new yarn. As God said:
it is done.
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