The Great Coin
God the one great coin
Embodies us, one face
Dark, one face light,
One side shrouded in
Oscurity, the other fresh and
Sun-like - they are ours to
Use and spend, we
Live in them and
Them in us - all the
Being of the twain
Entwine our days - they
Are the spinning mysteries -
The coin set on edge
And spun by hand to
Land face-up? face-down?
Who can tell - only we can
Choose to do well, follow
One's clarity or
Bespoil the self within the '
Hidden realms of the other.
Money is the curse of
All our times, but we
Have it in us to
Choose the right way
And eschew all treachery,
Place the lit face
Uppermost in our minds 4- .: _^. ^^
And decline to join the -canr—
Legion who rescind.
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