I am at one candle power
My halo round yellow Sow
Flickering I bend and
Wither, climb again, grow
High and strong, fleeting and
Fizzing in the young
Morning hours which darken
Worst before dawn shows.
Blackness billows like a cloak
Around my gold circumference,
Scuffs my disc's edge -
I am come to this:
A last ditch attempt at
Life's guesses - I throw
Myself at its precipice of
Tallow, and stick
Until I melt and run
Within its waxen arms, become
A liquid victim of these heat
Extremes and slowly roll
Congealing trail outwith the
Reach of my own meagre glow.
I coagulate, solidify to grey
How the coldness stiffens me,
One candle power too weak to
Stretch its yellow eye toward
Such dark infinity, too thin
To throw aside these black
Folds of night, and now too cold
To fight my way back
Upwards to the light.
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