Ice I
Oh so smooth, inviting, sparky in the distance
As if it would catch fire from moonbeams.
It says glide onto my face, cut my boots
In its surface, spin until I lose unease
In dizziness. This winter picture dangerously
Cold this time of year, the pond exhaling its solid
Liquid clear and white, looks strong to walk upon.
And from there, the view of here will be all
Clarity and silver air. I suspect that under there
Currents move which are not clean, not
Wholesome. I think its inner life is dark with
Mud quagmires and tangled weed. If its surface
Groaned and split, that squealing ice would
Swallow down my feet, scoring skin before
I even knew I was not living. My freezing
Whole would be instant and deadly. That cold
Leaves deep teethmarks, etches bone with ease
And no amount of struggling could retrace a path
From here to there and back again. I would be
Down under that thick mirror soldered over
With fresh batches of ice. I would spend eternity
Suspended and hardening, a cryogenic chamber
Of life turned cold, thought rotting in solid water.
At the Aeon's turn, the thaw would leave me so
Soggy I'd never be dry enough to negotiate limbs,
To re-grow brains and pirouette neat as a new pin.
No, I won't venture in.
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