How many mouths
open in a day's
silent screaming at
the saw and needle
injured eye of
soft bewilderment
table-strapped and
blinded by a man's white coat
deft hands that
grip the neck, bring hurt
not healing. Is there anaesthetic
born that can
save them from
pain and pain, more pain of days
dousing, dousing
them in bleeding
raw blood soaked
cages wet and red.
Where is our care
that drugs we eat
like sweeties
ward-off the small disease
we buy with ease
inflict despair.
Packaged cruelty
consumer-friendly article
our marked time
for crimes condoned
in silent mouths
the open-headed scream
the pleading eyes unheeded
one small hand
curls through its bars
no refuge
presses fingers into air
wordless but alive
brushed past, ignored,
and quietly dies.
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