The Babe in the Egg
She emerged from the
Constriction of darkness,
The coolness of the smooth
Curved walls still
Tingling her fingertips,
And stepped, blinking,
Into light.
Whiteness stretched a blank presence
Into infinity, directionless, the smooth
Compass-points she knew. If she
Did not step any way for
Any length of distance
There would be nothing
But this insistence of brightness, this
Enduring light, this pregnant silence.
She hoped in vain for the
Coloured ends of ropes dangling
Lifelines before her
Outstretched hands
In vividness of
Reds and blues and greens, yellows -
Living ends she could
Grasp and be hauled up
From such an overwhelming
World where she had been
The rasp of heavy
Weave in her hand would
Wean her from this place of
Pale stasis, this stretching
Whiteness, to real
To the surge of a lively
Coloured world: a kaleidoscope
Of infinite configuration and
Possibility, where
She would learn
She had been
Reborn from darkness
As a Princess.
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