Haul Me Up
try and haul me up why
don't you - can't you see
my body's disappearing, feet
first, then legs, and climbing torso
into deeply sucking mud -
pull me up and out
I'm waving and drowning
cannot see you clearly now
for all the lights are
going out one by one
how quiet the day is, the sun
fingers the wall absently, his
fingers pressing the stone where
rose-gold blooms the blocks
back into sand
and here I stand
at the tideline with my
bare feet scrolling the
gritty water's edge
I feel the pull of
many waters, the purple
seas behind my eyes
have their own drag
and I feel the weight of
water on my toes, enticing me
and as I stand
so am I gone
without a trace I have
ever been, my sad blue eyes
staring out at what
might have been
were I not a tiny mermaid
with her starfish
and her seaweed
out of water
out of kilter
swimming against an unknown
on dry land -
the salt flats drown me
in bitterness
and thirst
they say to me stay - it is
worth it, but I see not
the world they see
and curse it
and turn away
only to find there is
nowhere else to go
for life and stepping
only yields a full
circle in half-
light, the arms heavy
the body sodden
the head bowed with woe
they say to me live - be
happy, but I grasp no
joy in my bruised fists
for I miss too much
and gained too little
and am sick with trying
so try and haul me up
why don't you, for my
body's disappearing in the
sucking tide
and I cannot swim, now,
in all my ruin
for I lost my sea legs when I
rose from there
to here
and the sand flats are bitter
and the unrelenting sun
makes me thirst - I am told
I am dust
and to dust I will return
but without one grain
of unsalted water I could drink
I am drowning
with nothing to sustain
for me
and against them
it was over long ago
for my hands are empty now
there is nothing here
and nothing bold
no brave pavements
no bright flags
no girded heart
no shining mail
I am apart
and unpieced
and nothing now can make me whole
so save me in my
drowning - can my
lungs breathe more air
this element I live in
this stair?
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